Barry examining dog's ear


Skin issues in pets

Our team of vets are passionate about skin health in your pets. Everybody wants pets to have that healthy shine and both our vets and registered vet nurses can advise on the most appropriate nutrition, grooming techniques and parasite treatments to help with this. However, skin conditions can still affect any pet so it’s important you are vigilant in spotting the symptoms.

Allergies are the main cause of skin disturbances in our pets. They are very common in all breeds of dogs with different lifestyles, mostly due to environmental allergens, but can also result from food or an inhaled irritant like dust or pollen.

Flea allergy is the most common allergy in cats. A normal cat experiences only minor skin irritation at the site of a flea bite while a flea-allergic cat, has a severe, itch-producing reaction.

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How do you know your pet has an allergy?

Typical allergy symptoms in pets present as severe itching or chewing. This can lead to hair loss and open wounds on the skin. The most common areas affected by allergies are the ears, paws, ramp area and the base of your pet’s tail. If left untreated, allergic reactions and skin conditions can become a serious medical concern.

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