Collar, rose and picture of dog

End of Life Care

Comprehensive vet care in Dromore

Pet bereavement services at Barry's vets

If your pet is no longer enjoying life and you have made the difficult decision to stop their suffering, we are here to help. Barry’s Vets offers a pet bereavement service; we can provide a peaceful and gentle passing for your pet at home.

Our vets have special training and know how hard it can be to say good-bye to a faithful friend. We always give sedation so your pet is calm and settled followed by the final injection. They will be unaware of it being their end of life and it often looks like they have drifted off to sleep.

Cremation can also be arranged by our team. For more advice on pet euthanasia pr end of life care, please either call or email our team who will do what they can to help this difficult time run as smoothly as possible.

Contact us to discuss our pet bereavement services